Through the "Green line" (demarcation line) marked on the map, sections were taken and attached into the baseline of the structures and the terrain on which they are held, but also as the object itself.
The Concrete structures were build as models, a blocked replica for the citizen's houses the of village's close to the mark – that were identified, mapped and chosen through Aerial Photo. The models were placed inside an aquarium with layers of sand, and then photographed.
After the photo-shoot the photo underwent a process of digital processing.
Every photo Sustains the stress between two independent elements depend on each other – body structure and ground structure.
The structure-has a unique form, a sealed object, with history, without claim but his existence is possible thanks to the special shape. That is why he is deprived of movement. The object won't suit anywhere else.
The ground line – multi structure element, containing man and time and those who gave him form.
The Primers lining and their connecting in space, creates a new strip of land. Continues landscape of an active field and time that is and unimagined simultaneously.
פורסם בקטגוריה צילום
תגובות פייסבוק